The 7 Gateways of the Spine

Watercolor painting style of the 7 gateways of the spine.

The brain and the spinal cord are undoubtedly the powerhouses of our whole body. Therefore, if there is inflammation, restricted movement, or injury to the spine or vertebrae, a "spinal blockage" may form. When a spinal blockage occurs, interference inhibits the free flow of communication between the brain and the spinal cord.

One of the ways I explain to clients why they are experiencing symptoms in their bodies is to relate to the 7 Gateways of the spine. The 7 Gateways is a tool that Dr Carli Axford developed to aid in the explanation and therefore understanding of the root cause of pain, disease and illness.

Each of the 7 gateways is associated with a specific region in the spine (look at the 7 Gateways Chart for more details). When there is a blockage in one of the gateways, then there will be an impact on a person's health, the consequences being symptoms of pain, disease and illness.

To assess the gateways of the spine, a series of tests are conducted - movement, posture and palpation, then continually monitored during each healing session. For example, someone who has a blockage in their passion gateway, their head may be in a forward position over their shoulders.

We can also assess blockages in the gateways based on a person's symptoms. For example, if a person is experiencing headaches, they likely have a blockage in the pause gateway in the upper cervical spine because of the nerve pathways related to the neck and head. As a result, the life force cannot flow freely through the brain and spinal cord.  

Suppose a person has a spinal blockage in the power gateway - the thoracic spine. In that case, we know the nerve pathways in that area are associated with digestion and the reproductive systems, so that a person may experience lower back pain, IBS or issues falling pregnant.

By releasing spinal blockages in the 7 gateways of the spine and initiating the spinal wave, a transformation occurs within the body. The body can release blockages which in turn creates change and healing of the body. When there is a shift from a state of "fight, flight, freeze" into "rest, digest and heal", the nervous system begins to function in its optimal state.

Are you ready to start the healing process? If so, make a booking, and we can work together to move your body towards optimal health.

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